Healing Through Creative Writing Edition: About My Little Story

Aflaha Rizal
3 min readMar 27, 2024


Healing Through Creative Writing held by Lisa M Billingham

Before I am shared my little story based on Healing Through Creative Writing event that I joined by LinkedIn, I would to say a bit about this event first. Healing Through Creative Writing it’s online seminar where the participants, it’s not only to hearing about define of creative writing and how to starting. But, all participants either get some opportunity during this session, the one of is Writing Exercise with the sentence ‘I Feel’.

I am embark to join this session at 18 March, 2024, exactly in Ramadan Month. It was good day for me. When I’m doing fasting while conduct writing process (it’s been a long time I am leave on the world of writing. So, it’s a right time to started again).

Healing Through Creative Writing it’s Writing Hour agenda held by Lisa M Billingham, a writer of Katie, A New Chapter, Tom, The Next Chapter, and Falling in Love at 40. She’s had a program such as Healing Through Creative Write. This program is free and held on Zoom.

During a session that I joined, I got a lot of insight about Healing through creative writing as we say ‘Release for mental health’ in writing to express feelings

Now, I will start to share my little story about what I feel based on these session. But disclaimer, I’m writing this story are naturally based on my mind and feeling, so it’s normal right if I got some mistakes exactly about grammar? Here it is:

Story part one

Today, I feel so broken. When I was got any insecurity because I am unemployed right now, and haven’t got a new job yet. Sure, I was being unemployed start from October until March, even in Ramadan Month.

My ex-company fired me because I’m working while doing master study. From that, I still have any studies payment rest.

I feel so embarrasing, because all people got a job, stable in economy and career. Got a married, got many chances perfect life. But for me, I didn’t get that. Even at my ages in 26 years old.

I don’t know when I getting back my life, with busy time, busy at work, got a money, paying something. I don’t know, I was feeling like very guilty, very sad, a bit depressed.

Even though I’ve been trying to apply many job in another company, even company from overseas, I still didn’t get. I know God will bring a happiness and faith for me in the right time, I believe that. But sometimes I’m always asked that.

From that, I was off my social media like Instagram. Many reason there, is owing to I’m insecure and no job. No money. No pay some stuff.

As an unemployed, I’m not doing anything beside lie down on my bed. Or while I got positive things, I’m learning english by doing, by YouTube. But I often lie down and overthinking about my future next.

God, I hope my bad feeling was been erase and get a new things in the future.

Story Part Two

In Ramadan Month, I was so happy in this special day. Because all people is celebrate it, either Muslim people and Christian people, being join and seeking some food to breaking in iftar time.

Even, Ramadan month is become more wonderful, because just not only Muslim but non-Muslim was joined too.

Between in my stressed of life, I’ve trying to survive in this phase. Because I don’t have another choices beside still holding on and still life.

To through this way, I’m seeking some way to survive. Start from learning something, build up my Personal Branding on my LinkedIn, and being closer with my family.



Aflaha Rizal

Just spread of my mind in here, and all I do it's made by me. I have no idea how to write some critics, but I do as well. Find me on Instagram: @Aflaha.rizal